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What Does Inclusion in A Diamond Mean?

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If you have researched diamonds then you might have heard about the term inclusion. You might wonder What Does Inclusion in A Diamond Mean? Well, in this post we will be focusing on fiend more about inclusion and how the grading is done by the gemologist

What Are Inclusions in a Diamond?

Natural processes take place deep into the interior of the earth to produce diamonds. Inclusions may take many different forms, but you’ll almost always find them in diamonds. Consider an inclusion to be a kind of “birthmark” on the diamond. However, the term “blemish” refers to any kind of imperfection that may be seen on the surface of the diamond. Inclusions, which may often be mistaken for flaws, really give diamonds their distinctive look and feel. 

It is a widespread misunderstanding that the black markings that may be observed in diamonds are inclusions. The reality behind these dark spots on the diamond is that they are crystals contained inside the diamond that is made up of the material carbon. 

It may come as a surprise to learn that not all forms of diamond inclusions are produced by the natural processes that make the diamonds themselves. Each inclusion describes a separate reason, which in turn leads to a distinctive influence on the overall look.

Diamond Inclusion with Various Types 

Not all inclusions are created equal. Having additional information about them will assist you in making an educated choice about the purchase.


  • Pinpoint inclusions: The most prevalent sort of inclusion found in diamonds is called pinpoint inclusions. On the surface of a diamond, you may detect what looks like very little black dots, which are analogous to blackheads that appear on the skin.


  • Feather inclusions: The incorporation of feathers is the second most prevalent kind, and it is one that might be cause for worry. These are tiny fissures that run through the diamond’s structure; if they extend from the crown to the pavilion, the stone’s toughness may be jeopardized.


  • Diamond cavities: Diamonds almost never have cavities, making them an extremely rare inclusion. A cavity inclusion is a tiny hole inside the diamond, similar in appearance to a cavity in a tooth. If you find a cavity in a diamond, you should not purchase it. Diamonds of this sort are often referred to as “industrial grade” diamonds, and they are not utilized in jewelry.


  • Cleavage inclusions: Straight fractures are known as cleavage inclusions. In some instances, these fissures may get deeper and eventually separate the diamond into two pieces. This inclusion is seen as a significant fault because it reduces the level of stability.

  • Cloud inclusions: This form of inclusion consists of a large number of extremely tiny pinpoints that are difficult to distinguish from one another and are found closely packed around one another. When it comes to the look, the severity of the problem may vary greatly depending on the type of inclusion.


  • Crystal inclusions: Crystal inclusion is the name given to the phenomenon that occurs when a diamond contains a crystal of another mineral. The crystal may be colorless or black, which would be carbon, red, which would be garnets, or even green, which would be peridots. All of these colors are possible.


  • Etch Channel inclusion: This inclusion is a hollow tube that begins at the skin’s surface and travels deep into the body. It is somewhat similar to an internal laser-drilled inclusion, except this one was produced by nature.


  • Extra facet inclusion: During the process of polishing the diamond to hide its intrinsic characteristics, a flat and polished surface known as an extra facet inclusion may be formed. There is a possibility that the inclusion will show up on the surface of the diamond.


  • Indented Natural inclusion: This inclusion may typically be found near the girdle, and it is the unpolished portion of the diamond that is located under the surface that has been polished. During the production process, this portion of the rough diamond was not polished, so it retains its natural appearance.


  • Internal Graining: This takes place as a direct result of the erratic development of crystals. This inclusion might be in the form of lines, curves, or angles, all of which have the potential to alter brightness when seen at a magnification of 10 times.


Grading Method of Diamond Inclusion by Gemologists

The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and the American Gem Society Laboratory (AGSL) are two examples of reputable third-party laboratories that certify diamonds and employ stringent guidelines for discovering and classifying diamond inclusions. The clarity grade of a diamond may be affected by a variety of variables, including its position, the kind of inclusion it contains, and its size. The following are the four standards that are used by renowned gemological laboratories:


  • First Priority: In the initial step of the process, gemologists will measure the size of the inclusion. This is a top priority since the size of the inclusions in the diamond has a direct correlation to how the clarity grade is determined.


  • Second Priority: The next most important thing to do is count the number of visible inclusions that are present in a diamond. As an example, the clarity grade of a diamond will be lower if it contains several inclusions on the table.


  • Third Priority: Gemologists will consider both the surface of the diamond as well as its inside while analyzing inclusions. Because diamonds are evaluated from the crown to the pavilion, any inclusions that are found on the pavilion or on the bottom are less likely to bring the clarity grade down.


  • Fourth Priority: In the last step of the process, gemologists decide whether the inclusions in the diamond are internal or exterior. A lower clarity grade may result, for instance, from the presence of exterior inclusions such as those shown on the table. However, even if a diamond does not have any internal inclusions, it is still possible for the diamond to be rated as having internal flaws.
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